Tips for UCCE Churches

Church bulletins and social media are integral parts of a church’s communications, but are you leveraging your website to work well with them to provide additional context and information for church members? Learn more in our latest blog.

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Web accessibility is important regardless of a web user’s ability, which is why it’s necessary that when updating your church’s website, you need to keep best practices in mind. Here are some simple ways to improve your site’s accessibility.

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Green graphic with a Calendar and Letter

Most churches with websites don’t have an entire web development team on deck to help maintain their site. It’s often a volunteer or staff member responsible for keeping content up to date, and without an appropriate background, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to do so. However, there are simple steps that whoever is maintaining their church’s website can take to ensure that their site is doing what it needs to do.

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Blue graphic background with a phone on it.

Learn more about how a blog can boost engagement and reach for your church’s website along with tips for what to write.

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Red headed woman updating a Wordpress website.

Learn more about what churches should keep up-to-date on their church websites when participating in the United Church of Christ Everywhere program or maintaining a church website in general.

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